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[恐怖片] 不请自来/姊魅 The.Uninvited.2009.Bluray.720p.DTS.x264-CHD 4.41G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 0921 HDchina 2018-3-15 20:48
[恐怖片] 农房 Farmhouse.2008.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD 5.47G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 0980 HDchina 2018-3-15 20:52
[恐怖片] 守墓屋.The.House.By.The.Cemetery.1981.REMASTERED.720p.BluRay.x264-OLDTiME 3.56GB attachment wuge 2023-3-6 01000 wuge 2023-3-6 06:12
[恐怖片] 殉难者/极限:残杀炼狱Martyrs.2008.Bluray.720p.DTS.x264-CHD 4.41G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 01110 HDchina 2018-3-15 20:54
[恐怖片] 平安夜惊魂/沉默之夜 Silent.Night.2012.720p.BluRay.DD5.x264-EbP 4.06 G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 01243 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:00
[恐怖片] 夜晚童话/童话 Fairytale.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-NOSCREENS 4.37 GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 01237 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:02
[恐怖片] 拥抱吸血鬼 Embrace.Of.The.Vampire.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-IGUANA 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 01509 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:05
[恐怖片] 鬼娃的诅咒 Curse.of.Chucky.2013.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-beAst 3.88 G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 01095 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:15
[恐怖片] 共谋者 The.Conspiracy.2012.720p.Bluray.x264-SONiDO 3.28 G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 01170 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:19
[恐怖片] 邪屋/猛鬼屋 The.Haunting.1963.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01112 HDchina 2018-3-17 00:16
[恐怖片] 黑夜的稻草人 Dark.Night.Of.The.Scarecrow.1981.720p.BluRay.x264-UNTOUCHABLES 5.46 GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01098 HDchina 2018-3-18 20:17
[恐怖片] 爬行类.The.Reptile.1966.720p.mkv.BluRay.x264-GECKOS 3.28G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01234 HDchina 2018-3-18 20:16
[恐怖片] 迷离夜.Tales from the Dark 1.720p.x333.AC3-killman.中文简繁/2.32G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0921 HDchina 2018-3-18 20:13
[恐怖片] 血腥启示录 Savage.Love.UNCUT.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-LiViDiTY 4.36GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0933 HDchina 2018-3-18 20:03
[恐怖片] 黑洞表面/撕裂地平线 Event.Horizon.1997.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-DON 6.55GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0962 HDchina 2018-3-18 20:01
[恐怖片] 616.Paranormal.Incident.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS 3.28GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01038 HDchina 2018-3-18 19:20
[恐怖片] 黑色圣诞节/绝命圣诞夜 Black.Christmas.UNRATED.2006.720p.BluRay.x264-CtrlHD 4.29GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0839 HDchina 2018-3-18 13:00
[恐怖片] 尸变菌株.Strain.100.2020.720p.BluRay.x264-FREEMAN 2.94GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0980 wuge 2023-3-4 17:25
[恐怖片] 吸血鬼 Vampyr.1932.720p.BluRay.x264-killerHD 3.28GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-24 01325 HDchina 2018-3-24 15:29
[恐怖片] 狼之一族.The.Company.of.Wolves.1984.REMASTERED.720p.BluRay.x264-PiGNUS 7.36GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0586 wuge 2023-3-4 17:25
[恐怖片] 月光光心慌慌4.Halloween.4.The.Return.Of.Michael.Myers.1988.720p.BluRay.x264-HANDJOB 3 attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01082 HDchina 2018-3-18 12:40
[恐怖片] 活死人的咒语/女魔复仇记 The.Demoniacs.1974.720p.BluRay.x264-HDChina 5.81G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01123 HDchina 2018-3-18 12:38
[恐怖片] 那些见证了疯狂的故事 Tales.That.Witness.Madness.1973.720p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS 3.28G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0961 HDchina 2018-3-18 12:33
[恐怖片] 庇护/庇护所 Shelter.2010.720p..BluRay.X264.DTS-HDChina 5.46G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01049 HDchina 2018-3-18 12:08
[恐怖片] 僵尸瘟疫 The.Plague.Of.The.Zombies.1966.720p.BluRay.X264-7SinS 3.28G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01225 HDchina 2018-3-18 12:00
[恐怖片] 潜伏2 Insidious.Chapter.2.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-PublicHD 5.34G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 01478 HDchina 2018-3-18 11:58
[恐怖片] 潜伏2 [花絮]Insidious.Chapter.2.2013.EXTRAS.720p.BluRay.x264-PublicHD 2.43G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0953 HDchina 2018-3-18 11:54
[恐怖片] 天外魔花 Invasion.of.the.Body.Snatchers.1956.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE 3.32G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0869 HDchina 2018-3-18 11:53
[恐怖片] 尸地余生/非洲丧尸 The.Dead.Matter.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-VETO 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-18 0870 HDchina 2018-3-18 11:50
[恐怖片] 潜伏2/阴儿房2/阴儿房第2章:阴魂守舍 Insidious.Chapter.2.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-SPARKS 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01080 HDchina 2018-3-17 23:35
[恐怖片] 开棺/天坑坟地 Open.Grave.2013.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-CHD 4.36 GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01084 HDchina 2018-3-17 23:34
[恐怖片] 珀尔.Pearl.2022.720p.BluRay.x264-PiGNUS 4.50GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0482 wuge 2023-3-4 17:26
[恐怖片] 开棺/天坑坟地 Open.Grave.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-PublicHD 4.36G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 0957 HDchina 2018-3-17 23:09
[恐怖片] 毛骨悚然 Salvage 2006 BluRay 720px264-BlueLady 3.3G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01025 HDchina 2018-3-17 22:56
[恐怖片] 毛骨悚然/等着你回魂 Sorum.2001.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-CHD 5.05 GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01078 HDchina 2018-3-17 22:42
[恐怖片] 一个在英国的狼人.A.Werewolf.In.England.2020.720p.BluRay.x264-UNVEiL 1.80GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0660 wuge 2023-3-4 17:26
[恐怖片] 男人.Men.2022.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-MT 3.27GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0880 wuge 2023-3-4 17:26
[恐怖片] 水壶的面孔 Jugface.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-BRMP 4.36G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01151 HDchina 2018-3-17 22:16
[恐怖片] 魔鬼双胞胎 Twins.Of.Evil.1971.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 0821 HDchina 2018-3-17 22:13
[恐怖片] 活死人少女 The.Living.Dead.Girl.1982.720p.BluRay.x264-TayTO 3.04G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01108 HDchina 2018-3-17 22:05
[恐怖片] 抗体/病毒抗体 Antiviral.2012.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-CHD 5.59 GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01138 HDchina 2018-3-17 21:58
[恐怖片] 善与恶 House.of.Good.and.Evil.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD 2.45G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 0754 HDchina 2018-3-17 21:32
[恐怖片] 吸血鬼 Dracula.1931.SPANISH.VERSION.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01083 HDchina 2018-3-17 21:20
[恐怖片] 灵媒[中文字幕].The.Medium.2021.720p.BluRay.x264-USURY 4.22GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0592 wuge 2023-3-4 17:26
[恐怖片] 笑脸杀手 Smiley.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-SONiDO 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 0830 HDchina 2018-3-17 17:30
[恐怖片] 够僵行动/V字特工队 Vampires.1998.UNCUT.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01119 HDchina 2018-3-17 17:27
[恐怖片] 崩塌末日 The.Collapsed.2011.720p.BluRay.x264-BRMP 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01246 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:52
[恐怖片] 恶灵入侵/入侵者[英繁SUP字] Intruders.2011.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-beAst 4.01 GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01157 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:48
[恐怖片] 黑色星期日/撒旦的面具 Black.Sunday.1960.720p.BluRay.x264-PublicHD 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01287 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:40
[恐怖片] 幸存者 The.Survivor.1981.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE 3.28GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01194 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:31
[恐怖片] 魔鬼出击 The.Devil.Rides.Out.1968.720p.BluRay.x264-GECKOS 3.28G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01529 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:21
[恐怖片] 失落海岸的录像带 The.Lost.Coast.Tapes.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-SONiDO 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01287 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:20
[恐怖片] 木乃伊的裹尸布 The.Mummys.Shroud.1967.720p.BluRay.x264-UNVEiL 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01192 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:13
[恐怖片] 恶魔.Demonia.1990.720p.BluRay.x264-ORBS 3.41GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0762 wuge 2023-3-4 17:27
[恐怖片] 死亡列车 Terror.Train.1980.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-17 01238 HDchina 2018-3-17 16:12
[恐怖片] 街尾之宅.House At The End Of The Street.720p.x333.AC3-killman.中英双字幕/2.16G attachment HDchina 2018-3-17 0931 HDchina 2018-3-17 10:47
[恐怖片] 险恶.Sinister.720p.x333.AC3-killman.中英双字幕/2.25G attachment HDchina 2018-3-17 01205 HDchina 2018-3-17 00:20
[恐怖片] 万圣节10/血染万圣节[未分级导演剪辑版]Halloween.II.2009.UNRATED.DC.720p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01014 HDchina 2018-3-16 10:57
[恐怖片] 吾辈本如斯/噬血天性 We Are What We Are 2013 BluRay 720p DTS x264-CHD 4.38G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01180 HDchina 2018-3-16 16:49
[恐怖片] The.Comeback.1978.720p.BluRay.x264-CRiSC 6.74G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01290 HDchina 2018-3-16 16:47
[恐怖片] 无头骑士/断头谷 Sleepy.Hollow.1999.BluRay.720p.DTS.x264-NiP 7.94G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 0935 HDchina 2018-3-16 14:04
[恐怖片] 往生拯救计划/附身 Haunter.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-MARKED 3.59G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01215 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:56
[恐怖片] 模具尖叫,玛丽安娜 Die.Screaming.Marianne.1971.720p.BluRay.x264-KaKa 3.27G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01251 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:48
[恐怖片] 恐怖欢乐屋 The.Funhouse.1981.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-EbP 7.12G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01001 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:47
[恐怖片] 恐怖的研究/ 迷雾:福尔摩斯挑战开膛手杰克 A.Study.In.Terror.1965.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01175 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:43
[恐怖片] 招魂.The Conjuring.720p.x344.AC3-killman.中英双字幕/2.46G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 0895 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:32
[恐怖片] 汉密尔顿一家.The.Hamiltons.2006.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD 3.28GB attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01060 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:29
[恐怖片] 莉琪·波登的复仇 Lizzie.Bordens.Revenge.2014.720p.BluRay.x264-RUSTED 3.27 G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01217 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:26
[恐怖片] [灵幻先生(国粤)]Mr.Vampire.3.1987.BluRay.720p.x264.2Audio.AC3-CnSCG[中字/2.4G] attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01083 HDchina 2018-3-16 13:13
[恐怖片] 死亡信物 The.Dead.Matter.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-VETO 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 0834 HDchina 2018-3-15 22:10
[恐怖片] 吾辈本如斯/饿夜食人族 We.Are.What.We.Are.2013.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-PublicHD 5G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 0998 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:43
[恐怖片] 往生拯救计划/附身 Haunter.2013.720p.WEB-DL.H264-PublicHD 3.15G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 0876 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:44
[恐怖片] 13号怪异岛 13.Eerie.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS 2.44 G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 0959 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:44
[恐怖片] 土狼 / 鬣狗人.Hyenas.2011.BRRip.720p.DTS.x264-Free [2.4G/4.37G] attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 01020 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:50
[恐怖片] 闪灵/鬼店 The Shining 1980 Uncut MKV BDRip 720p DTS multi HighCode 5.11G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-15 0839 HDchina 2018-3-15 21:51
[恐怖片] 看谁在尖叫 Nightwatch.1994.720p.BluRay.x264-FARGIRENIS 4.37 G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 0889 HDchina 2018-3-16 10:31
[恐怖片] 塔尔图的死亡诅咒.Death.Curse.of.Tartu.1966.720p.BluRay.x264-GAZER 3.91GB attachment wuge 2023-3-4 0922 wuge 2023-3-4 17:27
[恐怖片] 养鬼吃人8:地狱世界/猛鬼追魂8 Hellraiser.VII.Deader.2005.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD 4.37G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 0986 HDchina 2018-3-16 10:47
[恐怖片] 鬼娃系列六部曲大合集 1988-2013 Child's piay 720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi 33.55G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01279 HDchina 2018-3-16 16:53
[恐怖片] 幽灵船 Ghost.Ship.2002.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi 5.47G attach_img HDchina 2018-3-16 01173 HDchina 2018-3-16 10:26
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