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[西部片] 草莽龙蛇 The.Violent.Men.1955.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE 4.37GB

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发表于 2019-2-18 12:56:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 草泽龙蛇 The.Violent.Men.1955.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE 4.37GB-1.jpg . P( N7 p  e# W. [6 J7 Z
1 y, E; N) L: M3 k! }; a
译  名 草泽龙蛇) W4 c5 P$ w0 ]8 x
片  名 The Violent Men& ^2 u6 F" o- `5 |* p
年  代 1955
, Q) d9 a4 O2 ^产  地 美国+ v# C5 M/ A1 m. }
类  别 西部
3 e( ~) W5 |. [  s% Y0 a语  言 英语3 g$ ^0 j' K( o) w' @
上映日期 1955-01' N* Y% O7 Y: U4 q  ?
IMDb评分 7.0/10 from 2037 users
9 X/ U0 B. N6 x0 j3 K0 F* o. ^IMDb链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048789
0 H5 x' V  S" a片  长 96 分钟4 q/ u- {2 z7 g# N, n' K% G
导  演 Rudolph Maté
- m, P. a- C% T: J; ]$ C编  剧 Donald Hamilton (novel) / Harry Kleiner
* c" E1 F! r$ L$ U) p6 O3 D主  演 Barbara Stanwyck
4 b, Z$ Q0 j: k1 o0 @7 s      Glenn Ford
) b0 I/ W7 g, W' S( A2 A      Edward G. Robinson
+ P5 q& L+ L7 W$ R; ]  Q8 f$ e4 s
0 h" t; @3 h. w9 W( H  {

0 [1 J( _1 I* E6 U8 i  z" l简  介" c9 [. a, _: ?/ ?, b: K: h

+ j; t( T& Y# O  A Union ex-officer plans to sell up to Anchor Ranch and move east with his fiancee| but the low price offered by Anchor's crippled owner and the outfit's bully-boytactics make him think again. When one of his hands is murdered he decides to stay and fight| utilising his war experience. Not all is well at Anchor with theowner's wife carrying on with his brother who anyway has a Mexican moll in town.
* C1 q/ y% ]$ C! {6 c6 R! u# B
' C7 E( X( h" Y" m4 H" w
/ s9 W( M  I% G+ y

  1. ) S/ k- R& o) l+ X. Y4 K* I& p
  2. The.Violent.Men.1955.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE* }5 M% p& x2 E/ ?# k. N

  3. % l$ O, H0 ^1 B* I8 k8 N  f9 h* `
  4. Release Date ......: 13/02/19
    . s/ q9 S& q( K

  5. $ c: Q& p6 Y& x
  6. Video .............. x264 @ 5024; K5 ?/ J% A8 Q
  7. Audio .............. English DTS 1510kbit/s 2.00 K% e$ M; P* t0 C4 K' @3 b7 G: u5 |
  8. Subtitles ..........! ~  k* m4 u" o7 U4 b( [# b0 b8 {
  9. Length ............. 95 min 44 sec
    ( _* q+ X  _# U' L5 l0 i
  10. Size ............... 4.36 gigs$ H7 i& \+ [, N" E8 F+ g" M
  11. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0048789/) Z# {5 v$ V" Q& ?8 D
  12. ; e+ Q+ o$ [2 c' x4 r' g* S
  13. IMDB Rating.: 7.0/10   2 037 votes
$ Z9 U* F# A- a) o  R
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草泽龙蛇 The.Violent.Men.1955.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE 4.37GB-2.jpg 7 k1 e* p: ~4 [) R8 Q
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- {0 P( _' H! R5 }3 Z8 h# a5 }) G' q$ h) o' h
The.Violent.Men.1955.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE.torrent (44.34 KB, 下载次数: 6, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)
& ?3 I  U, g! \

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