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[犯罪片] 电锯惊魂/夺魂锯 Saw 2004 Dir Cut BluRay 720p AVC DTS-HD HR 7.1 x264-MgB 6.41GB

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【译 名】: 电锯惊魂 / 夺魂锯
3 h; G- x/ c* k【片 名】: Saw, a' f# b7 ]4 F7 `* m7 ]
【导 演】: 詹姆斯·温 James Wan+ |7 b# s4 j4 r" [; y$ H( i
【编 剧】: 詹姆斯·温 James Wan / 雷·沃纳尔 Leigh Whannell
' G) @2 N! a4 @5 L) m& A【主 演】: 雷·沃纳尔 Leigh Whannell / 加利·艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes / 丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover / 莫妮卡·波特 Monica Potter / 戴安· 梅尔 Dina Meyer / 托宾·贝尔 Tobin Bell / 肖妮·史姑娘 Shawnee Smith / 肯·梁 Ken Leung / 麦肯兹·韦加 Makenzie Vega / 迈克尔·爱默生 Michael Emerson / 亚丽姗卓·全 Alexandra Bokyun Chun
& ^; H  U  s) l& R【时 长】: 103 分钟
3 a4 T) m0 e- e【评 分】: 8.6
$ V5 E. x9 s4 ]7 J; j; ^【上映时候】: 2004-10-29(美国)
/ H2 p, ~+ }! u' v& |【国 家】: 美国 / 澳大利亚
4 a4 I0 i' s  K( _- h【语 言】: 英语2 l+ ]* c( V8 O2 M: h3 k
【影片范例】: 犯罪 / 可骇 / 悬疑 / 惊悚
" b& k4 I& b8 T; d" C【影片简介】: 一醒觉来的亚当(雷?沃纳尔 Leigh Whannell饰)发现自己被困在一个烧毁的茅厕里。他的劈面是一样命运的劳伦斯(加利?艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes 饰)——他们被人用铁链绑住了腿,并受惊发现二人中心绵亘着一个可骇的死人。死人鲜血淋漓,左手拿录放机右手拿枪。 亚当兜里被人放进来一盘磁带,他赶紧放到录放机里。磁带里说,罗伦斯必须在今晚6点前杀死亚当,否则二人将玉石俱焚,劳伦斯的家人也不能幸免。而眼前死人流出来的血,剧毒非常。 一个血腥的灭亡游戏起头了。在剩下不多的时候里,他们必须找到线索,逃出天堂。在最初关头,当他们以为重见天日的时辰,新一轮的噩梦才刚刚起头。
6 Y( H3 c, s* S' c; H$ q6 p' E
3 r; }% T& I- _" tTwo men wake up at opposite sides of a dirty, disused bathroom, chained by
; a; w: Q: o# l0 f+ C# f$ a1 T; Z+ d6 etheir ankles to pipes. Between them lies a dead man loosely clutching
; A4 m$ }$ S0 a/ wa hand-held tape player and a handgun. Each finds a tape the perfect fit " q3 G3 [9 p7 e/ z5 m( u
for the player in their back pocket. They play the tapes. One is threatened,
$ i6 T/ |/ c; O" }9 O1 d1 othe other isn t. But they have a task: One must kill the other by 6:00, or his
% ]5 q) y% v( O9 n( F+ _- Dwife and daughter will die. They find hacksaws in a toilet, and try to cut
. o3 b( ]$ S( G0 o2 fthe chains, but it doesn t work. They are the two newest victims of the Jigsaw
% S5 n! r5 D7 F8 ^9 X! kKiller. In a flashback, we learn of Amanda, a girl who falls victim to the 3 r; ^9 H4 {1 {0 [9 m; Q1 {
Jigsaw Killer. On her head is a mask, which is hooked into her lower jaw.
& Z* r+ x1 B2 y3 W# [: ]& |There is a timer on it. Only one key will unlock it, and that key is in the % J; U( g% i- o; `( ?1 y7 l0 i
digestive tract of her cell mate who lies paralyzed on the opposite side   p: t! T, G# P3 @$ F2 e! I3 @
of the room. If she doesn t unlock the mask in time, her lower jaw will be / b, n5 Z; H& F" m: V3 h% t
ripped wide open. She survives, but her cell mate doesn t. Through a series ) k9 V! b4 y: s( b
of flashbacks, we learn of more victims, and of the nearly-successful * c7 N. p  i& k4 [* t, O
capture of the Jigsaw Killer, who doesn t actually kill his victims.
7 K* h+ ^0 \$ [; f& B1 VInstead, he finds ways to make them kill either themselves, or each other,
/ |2 [" u: A5 r. _2 \' Fand he thinks the entire  game  out perfectly, with no other ways out. Or so it
/ p8 A2 J4 E- Q; Q7 B/ @would seem., _6 T/ S# Z, I1 T) K# r& @

7 m- `3 u- k: pLeigh Whannell : Adam Faulkner-Stanheight
6 L- T+ @: y# A7 E& H4 aCary Elwes : Dr. Lawrence Gordon' W7 C! H! Z2 K* c# q
Danny Glover : Detective David Tapp
+ u2 O& I$ R# g6 `1 S- e2 Q9 W) TKen Leung : Detective Steven Sing4 O( I* G% c" O" a
Dina Meyer : Kerry& N/ ^, s; E1 o6 L9 E
Mike Butters : Paul
. ^$ k+ A9 B9 f2 R2 ~% _4 BPaul Gutrecht : Mark
9 U# ~( W3 L, V. d9 L5 N6 |" }Michael Emerson : Zep Hindle# [1 T9 o" H. c. z9 ?) K9 H
Benito Martinez : Brett
: [0 g. R, s! R& o/ ]$ p9 E% V0 i  IShawnee Smith : Amanda* f! a4 @1 C! g4 {( v% j# O$ B& g
Makenzie Vega : Diana Gordon
: M* c8 H& U  k0 V  R+ u2 V/ fMonica Potter : Alison Gordon8 X. `3 l2 G& L& C
Alexandra Bokyun Chun : Carla
/ X- U9 E  a) g& N7 g( Z+ ]/ \! pNed Bellamy : Jeff+ @+ ]; i0 v. M' H) P
* t' P9 g( Z( h
, N& A2 t: k! R8 M. E( V*Format : Matroska (Mkv) ! i- H; J9 l* A
*Encoded/Profile/Level : 2 pass/High/Level 4.1 / q) }0 t6 E) F0 S( ?
*Type/Codec/Writing Library : MPEG-4 AVC/H264/x264 1 u; Z4 U5 |* u8 x' j/ {
*Duration  : 1 Hour 42 mins 46 secs
1 h/ p' K4 i: R*Bitrate : 6759 Kbps4 p/ t8 ?, j5 I  W4 |: y* O& q
*Resolution=Width/Height : 1280x720 pixels
7 @! D" g  _6 |* ~! q*Frame Rate : 23.976 fps
# O. e# v. K$ b6 iAudio:-
0 }0 ]" d% \/ X: p7 k*Format : DTS-HD HR / DTS-ES core& Z8 Y( F9 ?: J8 m' z
*Bitrate : 2046 kbps / 1509 kbps  6 O2 _) f( q. r
*Channels :  7.1 / 5.1
8 t% j/ i( v2 Y% w8 `*Channel Positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
+ a# T' N' g8 p- P) ^/ P& P*Sample Rate : 48.0 KHz" @% {! e& @1 `0 v
*Language : English
( T! P( Q9 n. F4 A; B! d. H) ERelease info:-
6 W0 `$ [3 i+ p, F+ t8 k4 ~0 Q! o*Encoded/Released By : MgB
% U+ ]: [- I! Z6 J9 ^' b+ k*Title/Year : Saw (Dir Cut) / 2004
+ C. o, Y9 n7 D$ b# ?*File Size : 6.33 GB
$ m. x) a% J2 K! y& c* M$ I! `( q*Genre : Crime | Horror | Mystery     
0 m3 s' j8 }; s/ e*Source : Director s Cut 1080p Blu-ray Remux MPEG-2 DTS-HD HR 7.1 - KRaLiMaRKo .... Thanks; [2 u8 T& C4 E$ e- D, N
*Chapters : Yes,Named 5 I) j' o" S7 z5 F1 g
*Sample : Yes) x7 D. ?& o; v" M5 G
*Subtitles(Muxed) : English, Spanish (Latin American).; W' E$ G, v2 p* ~9 [: ~: S9 r9 X
*Note: Unfortunately, the source has a glitch in the picture,' u# d* I; t1 {# c& Z- ?$ P) w1 l
I downloaded twice, to be sure.
) D5 I2 D! h; Z$ E2 h# @5 _For me it s not count, duration it s a half of a second,, L! C8 S2 H9 S) [% n/ `/ [$ M+ N4 d
but you know how are the critics...7 ~' I% l- {7 h- N- V6 `. a% f
I have not found another source.
2 B* n) x& P! P5 V: t1 `: c7 c; |5 y4 r/ P% M1 g) _! u8 p9 ?: _5 c
8 u5 B& Q) m; ^6 ^

- I4 R: H- m: \; x) ?% R$ h
+ g5 p$ V) v; f! B Saw 2004 Dir Cut BluRay 720p AVC DTS-HD HR 7.1 x264-MgB [ETRG].torrent (34 KB, 下载次数: 14, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)
4 f2 }) d6 F: Q# h, A/ E

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