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[犯罪片] 飞檐走壁勇神偷 Deadfall.1968.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD 6.56GB

253673 枚
发表于 2018-3-18 13:01:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 C2 S: i' O  Q9 I" s( h【译名】:飞檐走壁勇神偷
; M" v3 N0 @* G" g【片名】:Deadfall7 `' q; J; H7 M) `& Y( S
【导演】:Bryan Forbes; t2 U. o. t1 j7 Y7 Z' c
【编剧】:Desmond Cory
- B' v# N0 |/ h( }2 ?( t- I【主演】:Michael Caine / Giovanna Ralli / Eric Portman( n3 F) P' i+ {5 ]# T5 V4 S
【时长】:120 分钟
) d" Y6 d1 [( g5 S. `【评分】:0.0; i) \6 S/ t, l# {. }
8 |* j" V4 i# `( d【国家】:英国2 W0 D) E  Q' h+ {* a: P
6 A, P9 m1 F. L- u【影片范例】:犯罪 / 剧情
8 U0 _* K$ R2 _. J. X# h【影片简介】:DEADFALL is a lushly photographed suspense story with a cat burglar theme, wallowing in a full bodied John Barry score--especially during the major heist involving MICHAEL CAINE s high climbing bit where he s breaking into a playboy s mansion. Clever editing permits cross-cutting between a concert hall suite and the burglary in progress. GIOVANNA RALLI is the pretty Italian woman married to the mastermind of the burglary--ERIC PORTMAN--an aged homosexual.
8 A) P9 `$ r& L# f$ O+ f' b( e% HDeadfall.1968.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD: ~' A5 Q/ J( L/ b9 d8 Y  Q5 z' P
, Z/ B! B' }) T" kLength..............: 1h 59mn
" E$ c3 s$ u7 y0 V) [Video...............: 1200x720 (X264 @ 23.976fps)! z% ]: _0 O4 a" B4 I
Bitrate.............: 7836Kbps
; m$ b/ @( H3 W' h4 U# z2 d" E, oAudio...............: AC3 640 Kbps5 C9 d# W- \5 q1 G
Language............: English
( u3 r4 a" J* r" Q- {% w" J/ zSubtitles...........: N/A0 T3 v' k, |) l$ A) s
Genre ..............:  | Crime+ Q# `2 ^. }- _3 G: H$ t. f

: e! {% N7 m( D! `
* u2 U5 v* D) c' o( P- _1 |; R0 O0 V2 H! c) q
Deadfall 1968 720p BluRay x264 iFPD.torrent (33.7 KB, 下载次数: 10, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)
, b8 X$ a: U. a- {) m

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