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[战争片] 空中的天使 Angel.Of.The.Skies.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS 2.79G

253669 枚
发表于 2018-3-17 22:15:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 N2 v  \9 Q% q) s  |* H1 B9 g: x【译  名】空中的天使5 H' l  d4 v5 I+ Q
【片  名】Angel of the Skies4 T. G, C" Q6 E' l; o
【年  代】20135 j3 t' ^0 R; K2 Q. |
【國  家】美国 5 |6 F1 y1 ]# V4 t: a8 r
【语  言】英语/德语 + h: l; g- K' t# b8 z% Q+ E# `. O* f. v
【類  別】战争
% Y' S( F- O9 {( c【IMDB評語】 4.9/10 from 50 users
" t/ V" y7 f3 y$ H4 |0 R【IMDB鏈接】http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3160230/$ e3 A; M/ O5 o* F0 d
【導  演】Christopher-Lee多斯桑托斯" m1 J( Y' z& {+ [& H0 k
【主  演】2 G. E+ y0 \' g0 m
Nicholas Van Der Bijl …. Captain Earl Kirk
6 `: K) F3 g3 \- P& K9 Z5 mBrad Backhouse …. Flight Officer Ed O Donnel8 P8 {; z8 P' ~/ F7 T* t: |4 R$ ~
Adam Boys …. Flight Sgt. Robertson
+ D8 s' m% f# j7 M, {/ @Lillie Claire …. Deborah Caldwell' h+ k1 T2 E- ]) G/ Q3 l, ]* h
Ryan Dittmann …. Flight Sgt. Don McEvoy
, V. B; k$ X8 x+ W; H+ V* ~. d2 XAndre Frauenstein …. Lieutenant Raymond Hawkins
8 j1 s- E% x; S1 D1 {Jason Glanville …. Flight Officer Harry  Abe  Facey# V0 H! D* U# X( T; @% p4 _
David James …. Stutze
* ^. w% F6 q: W0 T; yDeborah Lettner …. German Milkmaid+ I" W4 ]5 N3 d$ }" V5 ^
Jaco Muller …. Gruber
$ c7 z) ]5 f! J* z3 nGino Pisanti …. American Airborne Soldier- l6 z# T+ z6 _; I+ ]
【簡  介】
; t5 y9 ?4 f8 v. i6 E% @7 YWar is declared and Britain must take action against Nazi Germany if Europe is going to be saved from its ruthless clutches. Determined to beat the enemy Flt. Office Earl Kirk, a young South African pilot, volunteers his services to the Royal Air Force, sacrificing his family, his future and himself in the fight against evil. Whilst in combat, surrounded by bombers and under relentless attack, Kirk must make the decision that could change his and his crew s life forever. Plummeting through the air, they are forced to leave the safety of their aircraft and parachute directly into Nazi occupied land. Following a South African Pilot, Captain Earl Kirk, who volunteered to fight for the Royal Air Force during the height of Air Marshal Harris  bombing campaign over Nazi Germany, we are thrust into an action packed story of Kirk and his men s fight for survival when their bomber is shot down over Germany. Battling to get home to complete their mission and see their loved ones, this RAF crew

  1. 6 b. X' f6 ?4 L7 [
  2. % R2 F# {- X9 s+ {$ d3 _- g
  3. [url]http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3160230/[/url]
    8 u. w3 _3 X8 P" J: ]) y/ W
  4. Length..............: 1h 42mn; }8 q; ~/ I. i" F0 x
  5. Video...............: 1280x544 (X264 @ 23.976fps)2 e. N1 ~& d1 S5 M( X8 l% f' K
  6. Bitrate.............: 3916Kbps7 g; x+ _5 b" c' s' @
  7. Audio...............: DTS 1509 Kbps  q3 \4 ^& {9 [
  8. Language............: German / English7 `: t8 Y! Y- U
  9. Subtitles...........: German
    & R* J; t+ p" C) _' b) ^) W, \& U
  10. Genre ..............:  | War: Y$ @5 d+ Q" }% h* I4 M) ?# I! p
复制代码S C R E E N S :$ D+ L; U* b- R$ ^. d
031419mncqjhihlvcahrcs.jpg ) _* p, S! i- s6 J' z
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# j% A1 _3 l* p3 W, g6 f( x Angel.Of.The.Skies.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-ENCOUNTERS [PublicHD].torrent (14.75 KB, 下载次数: 10, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)
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