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[犯罪片] 一日暴力 A.Day.of.Violence.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD 4.37G

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发表于 2018-3-15 20:44:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
024950p663qn3fl8z66ni6.jpg / Q( x" P5 W5 y/ O9 H
【影片原名】A Day of Violence
" l7 @: ?- p( |5 K: a* A3 A8 H: |【中文译名】一日暴力- M! }3 Z% m1 Q1 c3 ?% _9 u
【出品公司】Giallo Films
, L, C- P  }8 D, T【出品年月】2010 年
2 \3 a3 H1 ?* Y% H8 `【影片级别】UK:18 | Germany:16 (cut) | Germany:16: d. P5 I# g6 \' s. y
6 e0 v$ {4 C. f. l【IMDB评分】3.2/10 (179 votes): i2 x% D, T& U. v; U1 H$ C
【国  家】英国  B0 @7 V( ^3 P
【类  别】犯罪/惊悚  q% M! k( @  @
【导  演】Darren Ward
" k7 ?9 \7 Q2 G7 [【主  演】Giovanni Lombardo Radice ... Hopper3 Z1 M9 k" i0 a
      Nick Rendell ... Mitchell
4 F: Z' ~& [" U& ~  I& O! O      Christopher Fosh ... Chisel, {: S/ q) f( u8 D% Y" |2 I) ?
      Victor D. Thorn ... Curtis Boswell3 L( }% }( N# v+ T6 }3 U9 O
      Peter Rnic ... Madock0 b' p. S$ u% y+ t) S" L
      Steve Humphries ... Smithy5 a" H' N7 ~2 b
      Helena Martin ... Suzy
  Q" }+ H6 D* K6 t/ g6 [9 q7 J      Tina Barnes ... Abbi
4 \8 b- `* u! t" ~) O1 J1 {      Forbes KB ... Noodles
& @: `( f: Y/ m  T+ r( h, o, A1 u      Pete Morgan ... Danny5 A" G+ J8 x5 O9 E- i  P7 |
      Chris Barfoot ... The Shopkeeper
4 a7 k# a; P: U9 t. [2 `. B& m/ ~      David Blade ... Mortuary Attendent
/ m1 u4 b# E7 M) L; e, G% s0 p      Michael Blown ... Goon 5; F; T0 [. c: }& A5 F" T
      Stephen Churchett ... Goon 6
$ g; y8 P" W  F: {+ e【内容简介】
9 T5 e; D3 h7 eMitchell Parker lies dead on a morgue slab. In life,  Mitchell  served the low ranks of Debt Collectors, surrounded by all the filth and scum that the world had to offer. He thought his luck was in, when on a routine collection he stumbles across 100,000 in cash, hidden in the sofa of one of his clients. A dark and haunting past hangs over the head of  Mitchell Parker , one that will lead him on a journey of redemption and ultimately sacrifice. Hunted by the gang whose Money he has stolen. He must evade capture and use the money to rid himself of his demons once and for all. Witness his last days of life.
. [! B$ F3 P0 \7 O1 MA.Day.of.Violence.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD
6 {' x' Z- k0 h( ?% v/ ]# ahttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1109582/
- D. J, w2 P, ?. w7 G- ]: aLength..............: 1h 23mn2 `9 Q* D2 _) O+ X) o
Video...............: 1280x720 (X264 @ 25.000fps)' A7 F$ M; F- `% i0 v' j1 B' l# ]
Bitrate.............: 7488Kbps
# Z, t+ L' z1 i  |Audio...............: DTS 1509 Kbps
! t5 o" U, W7 N* VLanguage............: English
' v# d1 Z, \; K$ m7 c& f( \" }Subtitles...........: N/A& O$ N8 ~1 H# l! z% }
Genre ..............:  | Crime& {" F, ~$ y4 r& o5 z; V
/ w( k3 N2 b6 w8 g
. z; o/ _; u; ]' q0 K# a: z
1 Y$ K" S8 q9 L1 u4 `( M% ?% g

- E& y, k# E& Q, V7 q9 V" f* r" ?
A.Day.of.Violence.2010.720p.BluRay.x264-iFPD.torrent (22.72 KB, 下载次数: 8, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)
) w3 J; E) _6 ^( f0 D

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