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[爱情片] 颐高(暂译) Ego.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-WHiSKEY 4.37GB

253643 枚
发表于 2018-3-10 22:49:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: ~" L5 ?1 ^) Q◎译  名 颐高(暂译)+ q( F1 p' g0 X/ F) y$ ]
◎片  名 Ego
: u2 h+ s# }; H8 I: c+ z/ ~◎年  代 20131 W0 a8 }3 l" f; h& z' y# A3 I/ J2 I
◎国  家 瑞典
7 l4 w. f$ ?5 s) ^: G  ?. E◎类  别 恋爱/剧情
2 x  O3 b$ W. M, Y7 m8 j/ M◎语  言 瑞典语
5 G1 n3 I8 I' W' h. _+ a◎字  幕 英文
' E# n- A& M3 s$ W" U1 n! I◎IMDB评分 6.5/10 from 291 users 6 U) B; f- J% M
◎IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2287715/
! f, p. q- M' d. h) F8 n◎文件格式 X264 + DTS
. x! r# p* z) A* g  ^◎视频尺寸 1280 x 5369 T" B/ V7 P8 h8 p/ h
◎文件巨细 1CD 4.37GB# S' y4 s6 C. k$ ^4 _: V
◎片  长 1h 43mn- z- j" P: ~( @; `8 K
◎导  演 Lisa James-Larsson
( b/ i2 h" v1 W4 o5 l◎主  演 马丁·沃斯特罗姆 Martin Wallstr ouml;m
7 j& B- a8 w; t8 k& L( k        Mylaine Hedreul
: y8 a1 {( o4 P3 K  L        Sissela Kyle" w7 W* ^( {1 \# }9 [4 c
  s. u) q0 G: Y            
- V1 ~% w# ~8 Q2 ?9 V1 U0 P◎简  介 - {( q/ |) Z) Q) H) Z4 {
    For 25-year-old Sebastian it is all about surface and appearance. Life is full of party, money and one-night stands. He has never challenged himself, whether it be his dream of a music career or maybe, especially true love. When everything is at its best in his superficial life he has an accident that leads to him becoming blind. A whole world closes, or rather opens up. When he sees everything in black, he meets Mia, a personal assistant. A girl he normally would not pay any attention to. She becomes the first to successfully open his eyes to what is important in life. But when Sebastian discovers that Mia is not who he expected superficiality gets an entirely different meaning. EGO is a romantic comedy drama about vanity, love, sex, and that things are not always as they seems.  
1 g) g" X7 a0 dEgo.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-WHiSKEY
  x+ u5 p# f0 |6 ~- Y% L! dhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt2287715/, g6 P7 T  H# n% n2 i6 O7 U- H/ [
Size........: 4.37GB (4697114235 Bytes)& ~- ]$ W" `% s1 @, R0 z  Q
Runtime.....: 1h 43mn
0 Q; G$ w5 R- I& q0 l1 ?Video.......: X264 @ 4510 Kbps2 I; w! n5 Z+ \& ^# f
Frame.Rate..: 24.000 fps
$ V/ C9 X8 f: G) kResolution..: 1280x536* |$ p* b6 p' x
Audio.......: DTS 1 509 Kbps 6 channels0 M2 ~& X% a  }
Language....: Swedish
) K* D* _1 O7 k3 }* ~Subtitles...: English; F, ]+ }4 j& a0 R; r( k
Source......: Retail BluRay0 z& W# b5 s- c, T
: l. k  B% f! h5 A( `0 l2 s adttjr8G.jpg abw91dqd.jpg adcSfAsQ.jpg abqMUyl8.jpg addhWjB8.jpg
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5 O5 d  W( ^  [2 y7 L1 f) r: I4 O$ U$ Z; Q0 Q
, |3 X4 A  s6 O0 S: T
Ego.2013.720p.BluRay.x264-WHiSKEY.torrent (22.71 KB, 下载次数: 8, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)
. x6 {; ^: j, r+ J7 r) s

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