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[剧情片] 愚蠢成人心 Stupid.Young.Heart.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-FiCO 5.46GB

253573 枚
发表于 2019-3-12 23:51:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 愚蠢成民气 Stupid.Young.Heart.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-FiCO 5.46GB-1.jpg
/ N0 g8 q4 D+ H5 }4 x; o  f0 N- v6 r0 R% U
译  名 愚蠢成民气 / Stupid Young Heart
( S9 @* a: L1 K/ X. y7 f1 {* a片  名 Hölmö nuori sydän
  h1 l6 z- e/ r年  代 20183 v8 n/ U" W" q4 m
产  地 芬兰 / 荷兰 / 瑞典
- u5 Y, v6 S6 A( \2 ^类  别 剧情, Q# u1 u; ], |; Z& C& \
语  言 芬兰语$ y1 D3 W! `  Y1 Y  W% Y$ O
上映日期 2018-09-07(多伦多电影节) / 2018-10-12(芬兰)8 P5 C! R: F1 P* I, F: v" v- r9 X1 g( F
IMDb评分 6.7/10 from 156 users
( S0 o: v2 i8 ?5 |/ M, JIMDb链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6592296! W- l. x% h2 z; ~3 o0 J6 j$ y7 Y
片  长 103分钟0 r0 I; G$ K1 |- [
导  演 Selma Vilhunen
+ H+ M+ Z7 X6 t1 _* P) _; M编  剧 Kirsikka Saari( s  g% z9 D- b9 R9 b
主  演 菲拉·维塔拉 Pihla Viitala
9 @' P/ {# B) J' [" Y3 W# e      威勒·哈派塞罗 Ville Haapasalo/ O  j6 {3 M9 W( P: b0 M0 X9 E, K
      Katja Kukkola# }; `7 [  S1 U* K
      Rosa Honkonen. k4 m1 e3 C. R9 s- T
      Juha Ruokola& M! A) N& C; S
      Jere Ristseppä
3 N+ s6 X8 N; R! U      Anton Kettunen- S' l- v( i6 s8 p2 V4 z
      Abshir Sheik Nur1 J; [2 T( o+ a( F8 z, L
( a) l* M# E9 A

! s8 {; }8 \7 [
6 _6 i* w; H- M简  介1 m) h6 J' V+ K, E

; c) b( V* c9 s6 c) L  An edgy, warm, and raw drama about suburban teenagers who unexpectedly have to deal with grown up problems of pregnancy, while extreme right ideas begin to encroach on their multicultural neighbourhood. STUPID YOUNG HEART is about the first love between the skinny and carefree Lenni and the gorgeous and popular Kiira. Not yet in a relationship, nor out of highschool, they discover that they are expecting a baby. Lenni has nine months to become a man. Having grown up without a father figure, Lenni finds longed-for adult attention and guidance from an unlikely friend Janne, a member of a right wing group that has recently moved into Lenni's diverse neighbourhood. After taking part in a scrambled attack on a local Mosque, while Kiira is rushed to the hospital to give birth, Lenni realises that he must learn to be a man in his own way, even though he never had a chance to be a child himself.) c' _2 ?$ Q2 [8 I! W% d
4 N) h, n  j' f7 I6 [7 V& D  G
获奖情况* ]& X2 @9 h0 h+ w/ P- Q

  J  `0 a* P* N  k: g- Z( p! b; e8 }  第69届柏林国际电影节(2019)
  ]4 r" T1 N: a( E+ d  新生代青年单元 最好影片 塞尔玛·韦勒嫩$ S8 L8 _' p( c1 u7 T# _! W5 m

6 K) _" `! ?& M- c  |  N# @
; D/ u0 t( c) w7 ]; a) j0 p2 y
  1. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6592296/* n% D$ M7 V+ T, c9 Z
  2. ' m( h  F. P* Q0 ~1 v
  3. Stupid young heart (2018 AKA holmo nuori sydan (original title)$ [8 k& c* w4 q# O0 W* D
  4. / C4 f! ]. S+ ~7 r, o- M4 E  f
  5. RELEASE TYPE..> 720p               SUPPLiER.......> FiCO CREW
    & ~. {' Q' Z1 s, a: s1 P( B
  6. RELEASE DATE..> 2019.03.           CRACKER/RiPPER.> FiCO CREW
      K! @0 Y+ o  D; ~0 f0 _  G0 o' z0 H
  7. STREET DATE...> yyyy.mm.dd         ENCODER........> FiCO CREW/ z: ^6 F  Q7 I2 G' x
  8. THEATRE DATE..> yyyy.mm.dd         RATiNG [iMDb]..> 6.9
    * P* P0 E4 u7 {2 I" ?
  9. ViDEO CODEC...> x264               AUDiO CODEC....> DTS
    . R+ t: ?8 a& l4 ~6 ?  Q
  10. ViDEO BiTRATE.> Avg 7651 kbit/s    AUDiO BiTRATE..> 768kbit/s
    1 G9 ]! I3 {3 b9 _
  11. ViDEO FORMAT..>       AUDiO FORMAT...> DTS
    $ D+ A. w, Y7 q4 `
  12. RiP METHOD....>               MOViE SiZE.....> 8.73 GiB" \0 k* @: e8 e0 @' k( A3 n
  13. ASPECT RATiO..>             DiSKS..........> 59x100mb
    # n! ~/ ]' T; b4 g: a$ [
  14. RESOLUTiON....> 1280x536           RUNTiME........> 1h 42mn
    + c) _  A4 q6 X* P! a$ k4 k2 O8 O
  15. GENRE.........>
    - p- s/ G- p' _* B% K2 \
  16. LANGUAGES.....> Finnish
    . n' S8 k3 C2 a, R: ~* h4 E7 u/ F) P
  17. SUBTITLES.....> English
6 h# G3 F1 u! ~* S8 ~) ~

+ c. h3 D3 T5 n 愚蠢成民气 Stupid.Young.Heart.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-FiCO 5.46GB-2.jpg
# w* Q1 w: M. f6 D8 k+ m, m% e" C
4 W* F/ b! S" I% I2 l( ~, ^8 {

3 g9 d/ s- M* l0 H
, r+ k" u: ^: L7 l% u( v  N& ?4 x Stupid.Young.Heart.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-FiCO.torrent (27.91 KB, 下载次数: 7, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币) 2 x6 m% J+ v- h# t9 _

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446 枚
发表于 2019-3-13 17:42:50 | 显示全部楼层

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