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[恐怖片] 黑色圣诞节/绝命圣诞夜 Black Christmas 2006 Unrated BluRay 720p DTS x264-MgB 3.53GB

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发表于 2018-3-18 21:07:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* g3 V2 V1 g9 v+ K2 D1 H【译 名】: 黑色圣诞节 / 绝命圣诞夜
9 U. L' y% Y5 \' Y) f【片 名】: Black Christmas
7 }6 m5 u  n" L: h  U: ^【导 演】: Glen Morgan
3 g7 U: m$ w4 P& D* c' x+ K【编 剧】: Glen Morgan
9 w) k% D. S5 [4 R% l【主 演】: Katie Cassidy / Michelle Trachtenberg / Mary Elizabeth Winstead / Kristen Cloke
0 u+ d  |! f3 J! b5 F【时 长】: 84 分钟 / 94 分钟(unrated version)
5 K4 w1 t/ c7 r* o% V/ w【评 分】: 5.3. C; L  J$ \' U! K
【上映时候】: 2006-12-150 [; C# d7 B4 o5 d
【国 家】: 美国 / 加拿大
% H& Y7 a  v) A0 S: `8 h$ S【语 言】: 英语
' \; k% [! c  Q9 B, T1 K+ N【影片范例】: 可骇 / 惊悚
3 c, h& T2 l1 [& y% Q【影片简介】: 20世纪70年月,体弱多病的小男孩比利(Cainan Wiebe 饰)来临人世,他不曾感遭到怙恃的暖和,反而自幼备受凌虐。他的母亲(Karin Konoval 饰)甚至通怜悯人杀戮了比利的父亲,而这一切都被这个只要5岁大的小男孩看在眼里。不幸的比利今后被母亲软禁阁楼,度过了黑暗而冗长的童年时代。某个圣诞夜,长成青年的比利(Robert Mann 饰)逃出牢笼,并将母亲和继父残暴杀戮,而同母异父的妹妹爱格尼丝(Dean Friss 饰)也被弄瞎一只眼睛。 15年后,比利家早已烧毁的屋子被革新成某黉舍的校外宿舍,八个青春靓丽的女生以及舍监芭芭拉(Andrea Martin 饰)住在这里。但她们很快发现,传闻中的凶残比利似乎就在自己身旁……. h4 |  {, H3 b
- v3 Z# k2 z9 t, z/ R# C- o6 V5 x2 B- F
In the 70 s, the boy Billy is born with yellow skin due to a lever disease and his
: c- P: a3 }" Rdysfunctional mother rejects him. Later he witnesses his mother and her lover
( L: w9 K$ T, V8 S$ Y/ tkilling his beloved father and burying him in the basement of their house,
3 y, L, ?9 X; Q8 \  I3 `and he is locked in the attic alone along his childhood. When he is a teenager,
* Z, K  X0 y1 X4 h7 j6 p( ]4 Z* p1 bhe is sexually abused by his mother and she has a baby girl called Agnes. During
) s  i/ [; i- q3 }$ F4 b. G- L7 V: JChristmas, the deranged Billy escapes from his imprisonment, kills his mother and
+ k! M( u" U- b* g; S) o% x, V5 Wstepfather and blinds one eye of Agnes. He is declared insane and his sister is 3 r7 w) D$ ~8 I& F/ S
sent to an orphanage. In the present days, Billy escapes from the Clark Sanatorium - G1 [3 K$ W, Q
to spend Christmas with his family. Meanwhile, his former house is the Delta Alpha + C/ t& D" o/ A4 Q
Kappa sorority house in the campus of the Clement University, and the housemother + f. @% N) l! S1 s
and the sisters Kelli Presley, Dana, Lauren Hannon, Megan, Heather, Megan Helms,
$ n; ^4 P) C8 i( [7 LMelissa and Eve Agnew are preparing the house for Christmas party in a stormy night
' k$ N/ Z. v% r# r) D( Z7 qwhile Clair Crosby is in ...$ V# T9 d- g3 S& _# \0 ^, z
" r( R% L) Y0 v8 Y( x# l  q( b
Katie Cassidy : Kelli Presley
, I/ C& P* ?) `) B$ V/ U& uMichelle Trachtenberg : Melissa
9 b) n% f* N" p/ v4 @Mary Elizabeth Winstead : Heather Fitzgerald( S/ \: [  ^! `; X) t  l% p
Lacey Chabert : Dana* W: c: n& o) u  R% I% ^  g9 H
Kristen Cloke : Leigh Colvin7 L8 D) G2 P- f* ^0 @7 e9 L
Crystal Lowe : Lauren Hannon) `& J" m/ ~4 K0 H2 Z, _
Oliver Hudson : Kyle Autry (voice)5 ^4 X' z# p8 ^$ V* w

1 r4 J- A/ g4 I, Q! KVideo:-2 \5 z6 n# j  B6 g
*Format : Matroska (Mkv)
" ]4 c( G: C; }  c; D*Encoded/Profile/Level : 2 pass/High/Level 4.1 # t9 A4 L; f; _. N/ b7 w
*Type/Codec/Writing Library : MPEG-4 AVC/H264/x264 4 ^  O" t, h/ _. U$ @- V7 q7 q1 f; ~
*Duration  : 1 Hour 29 mins 29 secs ( y3 [- u+ y: J; T3 S7 o+ C
*Bitrate : 4048 Kbps# m# i5 n* d* a
*Resolution=Width/Height : 1280x544 pixels$ r) u+ R  K, T3 |4 Y
*Frame Rate : 23.976 fps
( m3 P- O" U8 G( S( n! |Audio:-; v. b4 i8 N6 i3 Z, |3 P) z
*Format : DTS Core 5.1
8 K* t4 M; ^+ s% A' W*Bitrate : 1509 Kbps
+ H3 V/ Y; \0 w2 e2 S2 }! a*Channels : 6 Channels5 q' {. L) x5 l' O0 H
*Channel Positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE6 I; }8 O; P9 ?# M! @  N2 G
*Sample Rate : 48.0 KHz
4 y! M) c% |* M3 ~5 C*Language : English + N( D0 D8 F& e5 W7 F8 w
Release info:-+ U/ O5 x# `: x6 p( N6 f; ]
*Encoded/Released By : MgB1 Y6 d# o2 A5 @, d! j
*Title/Year : Black Christmas / 2006
) y1 e  E6 h" @*File Size : 3.50 GB
2 _- l# }: r% K- a*Genre : Horror | Thriller  
/ b: R  M+ a" E( Z- E*Source : 1080p Blu-ray DTS-HD 5.1 CtrlHD .... Thanks/ N0 z" b; W" g0 Y
*Chapters : No 3 e% Z3 {! y0 w/ R! m3 |1 a- _( {
*Sample : Yes
; ]; [& k0 |5 {3 U! K# e*Subtitles(Muxed) : No.
: m- ?& D: i8 H& b/ N) X*IMDB : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454082/  T" ^1 L% {6 j  T
& y! ]3 R" @/ e

3 }9 n3 L1 _& V, k- Q4 C: b- R0 L3 C( a2 b1 S* B

8 V4 m$ O* R+ x% M' e# C
: b7 A( ]" K: R" m; R+ O& t7 E Black Christmas 2006 Unrated BluRay 720p DTS x264-MgB [ETRG].torrent (19.88 KB, 下载次数: 9, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币) 1 c) J; p6 s& J- m' n: m, A

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