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[战争片] 勇敢的人 Only.the.Brave.2006.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-CRiSC 8GB

253627 枚
发表于 2018-2-4 11:32:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
- V( r0 U# [8 w, l- P  T
+ W6 z; `2 |7 A【影片原名】Only the Brave
" K3 w" W# P  w【中文译名】勇敢的人
+ a" s2 S! K5 q4 U: h: x$ j【出品公司】Mission From Buddha Productions / ]4 H; R/ q# N: [. \% H
【出品年月】2005 年: r* s2 `* T$ |; q
【上映日期】2005年11月11日  美国  
, M$ a$ @: c- g6 ~3 V; C【影片级别】USA:R/ w. x  r6 |5 a/ A) q4 O: N' g3 L; k
【官方网站】http://www.onlythebravemovie.com/' z0 D% l* Y& K& ]( z) w
【IMDB链接】http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0410403$ D3 G, s" ^" I9 c7 M6 N, y
【IMDB评分】8.8/10 (78 votes)+ S* b6 X% M$ Q9 R/ o. z
【国  家】美国
% L4 U9 S& B; {( ?+ ~' }+ E- `【类  别】战争
+ r! A9 l1 V- v) ^【导  演】Lane Nishikawa
* P! k; v' n+ v, m. }- e【主  演】Jennifer Aquino ....Grace Nakajo# _, R; V3 T* b8 t
      Christina Cellner ....Geneveve. x" v, r) w1 }: S
      Ehécatl Chávez ....French Priest
+ O9 e# Z+ n7 k$ `8 y! d      肯尼斯·崔 Kenneth Choi....Dave Fukushima (as Kenneth Choi)0 E. T- b% K" m+ O2 i7 g& g& T; x
      马克·达卡斯考斯 Mark Dacascos....Steve  Zaki  Senzaki
0 x% x2 e9 [; R; C& Q; ^5 C8 G4 G      Mike Dunn ....German Soldier- L/ Z+ p' x  {
      Brian F. Durkin ....Texas Soldier
# I# F; R1 G+ D) s      杰夫·法赫 Jeff Fahey
6 e* z5 ~  [4 J% I# E      Takayo Fischer ....Mother/ m8 x, r& G3 m" s, Y
      Michael Hagiwara ....Reverend Inouye6 Q3 |7 B# x$ e4 x
      Dean Hill ....Older Man
& k* r/ ^& ], S% U! `3 Z      Gina Hiraizumi ....Eleanor  Ellie  Takase
8 N* v7 x. M. B3 ~# V* R( H      John Koyama ....Hank Hayashi/ R5 d4 E) V9 {
      贾森·斯科特·李 Jason Scott Lee....Glenn  Tak  Takase/ M, t% q1 H' c5 M
      Emily Liu ....Nancy Loo/ l. C& H6 B) ?" w
【内容简介】; l4 }* V& b5 x
  _/ @$ [1 w) p. xA searing portrait of war and prejudice, Only the Brave takes you on a haunting journey into the hearts and minds of the forgotten heroes of WWII - the Japanese-American 100th/442nd. In 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, overnight Japanese Americans were put into internment camps for the duration of the war. Determined to prove their loyalty, 1400 Japanese Americans successfully petitioned the government to serve becoming the 100th Infantry Battalion. They were sent to North Africa, Italy and finally France were they performed an impossibly-dangerous rescue of the Texas 36th Division. During their two years of combat these men received an unparalleled 21 Medals of Honor, 9,486 Purple Hearts, 8 Presidential Citations, 53 Distinguished Service Crosses, 588 Silver Stars and 5,200 Bronze stars - making them the most decorated unit of their size in American military history. This is their story.
7 C! u# f6 q0 C4 R4 [3 v' [' \5 Y% M) R# |3 i* ^7 [; p4 w
# R% m8 y! d+ a                                        8 A: t- i$ D; w# u
6 w3 L7 _4 s: l6 B$ y8 o" g
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# }7 Z/ P" B8 w4 n+ S) u& Q7 M( ?8 z5 h, z( T
/ c, {3 Z5 F- R; s( _: [" G
Only the Brave 2006 720p BluRay DTS x264-CRiSC.torrent (40.76 KB, 下载次数: 15, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币) ; F: t, u4 U. h% q# R3 @, d

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