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[音乐片] 莫扎特歌剧唐璜 Don.Giovanni.Part1and2.720p.BluRay.x264-HD4U 8.74GB

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发表于 2018-3-22 14:24:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
023705xkzkpy7h3ky3ky3n.jpg - I9 v/ P/ u2 {' A$ v1 z! p
◎译  名 莫扎特歌剧:唐璜
4 {- m+ n  y2 W◎片  名 Don Giovanni6 q  w  t1 c- t. J
◎年  代 2008; \# X' |' T: ^4 t4 o
◎国  家 意大利
9 D5 R! ]/ X' e+ k) A! x5 C◎类  别 歌剧: A  x# _; \: E% V4 G6 y" a; R
◎语  言 意大利语  b3 v& t1 t+ o: Y: A4 V6 o
◎字  幕 英文
' s$ _$ x  ]* H$ B8 K, F2 V: I◎IMDB评分 N/A6 Q) j0 Y9 \% E( S% S
" f  Z- ]/ O# o' u* x◎文件格式 X264 + AC3; z, |) J( t# f) U0 k4 L) P* |  t
◎视频尺寸 1280 x 720
: B) g+ O( j# n6 Y+ k% Z2 t- k◎文件巨细 1CD 72 x 100MB
4 G# R/ Y3 e/ G2 u2 \% \: c◎片  长 101 Mins5 w6 O4 {  I$ p& M* @
◎导  演 Francesca Zambello
4 ]5 L' @/ n# j9 t7 M/ V3 v* L      Robin Lough
2 ]* y: {- H0 a$ a9 e◎主  演 Simon Keenlyside- \4 r' r/ Y+ ?4 r4 ~+ e2 j! m* }: [
      Joyce DiDonato$ w0 t& G9 w8 c0 g' H
      Ramon Vargas9 A( ?* S( t) {! Y, ]: E* ~) X- D
      Miah Persson1 j" T2 a( @; o& q$ c
      Charles Mackerras8 |: V6 ?* T0 ?3 }5 _
      Eric Halfvarson
( w5 }5 o. S6 B      
- S, z" Y* ~3 g% O, ?7 |$ {  F◎简  介 
' a  V! R& X  ^1 J( xDon Giovanni is one of the timeless classics of all opera. Mozart s music, and the words of his great collaborator Da Ponte, are brought to life in Francesca Zambello s engrossing production from 2002 with its rich and colourful designs by Maria Bjornson. The music is memorable, dramatic and enjoyable: from the seductive solo voices of the famous La ci darem la mano to the fabulous ensemble as Don Giovanni s infatuated conquests, vengeful victims and their outraged relatives join forces for justice. And retribution does finally come to Don Giovanni, a serial womanizer and a murderer, with the searing flames of Hell ready to engulf him. Simon Keenlyside heads the outstanding cast, conducted by renowned Mozart expert Charles Mackerras.( w9 l$ \" z3 o- c
Don.Giovanni.2008.Part.1.720p.BluRay.?—264-HD4U  ]" ^1 ~2 Q9 E) E+ U3 r# W& M. C$ n- t! l
Date______: 09.2010
0 e  I9 r6 D0 g( v: T9 kUrl_______: http://www.amazon.com/Don-Giovan ... /ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8 s=music qid=1284154637 sr=8-4
" m" ^3 h' z" V% T; G8 VRes_______: 1280?—720
% ~+ t, C% q3 v5 B# ^Bitrate___: 6398 Kbps) v* w4 V4 }0 C8 d% Q7 h; _
Audio_____: Italian AC3 640Kbps: d1 d8 a4 u9 N( T
Subtitles_: English( f9 ?, ^* Y- {8 \. |5 H$ q# H+ [2 \
# @1 V1 ^! x0 a  i. N" }Date______: 09.20101 n0 d. K3 Z5 L/ ^
Url_______: http://www.amazon.com/Don-Giovan ... /ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8 s=music qid=1284154637 sr=8-4
7 f/ X0 ]3 j: h) k7 d7 H" tRes_______: 1280?—720# \9 X' ~! h9 P) r3 {
Bitrate___: 6528 Kbps
$ `/ `# z  g' K. X6 o$ K, R$ gAudio_____: Italian AC3 640Kbps' U& H# ~4 a7 ~
Subtitles_: English ) J7 v2 p9 ~  A: \, w8 A+ R
7 _" E$ k  c$ I) e( B

) z3 t/ Y# E  f9 l2 x5 e) _
% [: z) n. U' d  }& F8 k$ b% r' j. K# {7 x1 C2 F' m6 i
% Y/ z, K) N) ~# T
Don.Giovanni.Part1and2.720p.BluRay.x264-HD4U.torrent (45.82 KB, 下载次数: 23, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币) ; _! h( K8 Y( `, r7 j

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