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[恐怖片] 净化 The.Cleansing.2019.720p.BluRay.x264-GETiT 2.24GB

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发表于 2020-6-8 22:40:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
净化 The.Cleansing.2019.720p.BluRay.x264-GETiT 2.24GB-1.png 4 f) }$ t' L3 y

3 y/ u) h$ R7 T3 C/ O
8 @; P" l# ?8 I* t% g& g0 d4 v译  名 净化  D6 G4 G% P% @, y0 P
片  名 The Cleansing3 C# r/ [6 P/ b
年  代 2019" t7 b/ `- y( O9 W; P
产  地 英国! F1 n- L& C4 G) T- P  [5 T
类  别 剧情 / 惊悚 / 可骇
4 S" ?6 V# N, ?语  言 英语
# y  b1 V0 X) i( Q' \! Y- M  OIMDb评分  4.2/10 from 140 users; R: k# {: `( T+ F) `
IMDb链接  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6956798" w, I  Q2 i% |; x  O
豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users
- p6 Y% Y1 R6 z9 Z; T" e9 b6 U! t豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/33409522/+ P3 {. U1 ^( s# n) Y) d+ r
导  演 Antony Smith
, q$ v2 s6 A" N( J4 b编  剧 David Shillitoe& a6 A7 a$ o7 r0 x! h
主  演 Luke Bailey
4 B' U  A/ y+ x' V# @: b2 [7 i       Simon Pengelly
; O$ r' u$ h  ~: c       瑞斯·梅雷迪思 Rhys Meredith
* Y4 U  k5 E8 d" X" a9 ?
1 l+ Y+ x8 Q. o0 E5 z
* j/ \2 w1 q8 s4 M; [3 L! ?标  签 惊悚 | 可骇 | 剧情 | 英国电影 | 烂片 | 奇异
) C1 t. r1 Z. `1 g  u/ L
, ~9 k7 Y* e! W简  介  
: z- C, X. U( v8 Y+ M: q
/ E. K5 O4 |# B5 P8 K  Set in a small isolated village in 14th century Wales, Alice is a sixteen year old girl who is accused of being a witch and causing the plague that has ravaged the village, taking the lives of many, including Alice's own father. When it is revealed that Alice has been hiding her mother's infection, she is forced to watch The Cleanser, an ominous masked figure, brutally dispatch her mother. The town preacher and de-facto leader Tom has eyes for Alice, and subjects her to five torturous trials after she spurns his advances. Escaping the night before her execution, with the help of her mother's friend Mary, she flees into the forest and discovers the secluded hut of a mysterious healer, with his own troubled past and demons to face. He nurses her back to health, and teaches her how to exact revenge upon those that persecuted her.
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( {9 v" G  b! ]4 N8 g2 Q* X6 S
, ^9 I- [, ?8 R( q2 ^ The.Cleansing.2019.720p.BluRay.x264-GETiT.torrent (23.07 KB, 下载次数: 4, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)

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