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[剧情片] 太阳马戏团:人生之旅[中字]2000 3D Blu-ray 1080p AVC DTS-HD MA 5.0 14.07G

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( A! ~9 H% p4 i+ M- ]. O1 M
9 a; s( W- E* R5 W/ S, B7 D" ?【片名】Cirque Du Soleil Journey Of Man, d0 B! {7 z7 {
【译名】太阳马戏团:人生之旅 / 索拉奇艺坊之生命赞礼9 G- l; o1 d' s7 C+ g* j
6 x9 Z$ d0 _  l. k7 ?! ^【国家】美国
  l" T. r. X; w5 a. `【片长】39 Mins7 g" A* [( `- ^* `( [3 S
【种别】剧情/科幻/音乐5 W, x; H# {( r* d
【导演】基思·梅尔顿 Keith Melton) \' b3 V0 M# H3 ?, i
【主演】伊安·麦克莱恩 Ian McKellen .... Narrator (voice)( o4 y1 i( _6 V) R5 R) T
    Mariya Akhlatkina .... Taiko Drummer
8 M! q1 B, y) m# z0 [& ?    Linda Belanger .... Bungee
9 v  M+ n$ F) L; C1 M( `! A    Konstantine Besschetnyj .... Banquine/ S" K. }. u0 D  Y9 S
    Suzannah Bianco .... Swimmer9 s$ s5 l, V* }6 a! x: [9 E
    Martin Boivert .... Bungee4 E* [7 ^; d. j& \; T2 O' j3 L8 d
    Nathalie B. Bollinger .... Taiko Drummer
5 ~; L! O- U" m; Q% S" p- T, X    Shana Carroll .... Bungee
4 @# S' u( l" [& Y    Jennifer Clément .... Character Statue Act (Mephisto Stilt Demon)
( S3 P2 y7 _: j9 k  n) Q! ?0 v7 ]- [- V    Chantal C?té .... Character Bungee Act (Palmier)
+ m8 ~0 h: o# E1 R! }# c    Josette Dechene .... Floune
# _6 M; E  V( t: b. z0 e    Yves Decoste .... Statue Act
- X( S3 b, l4 B4 Y: B" e    Brian Dewhurst .... Old Man
" t4 g( S# u) ^* z5 V2 z    Nicky Dewhurst .... Young Man0 `7 B$ d8 P% J; Y0 F# K" f
    Micheline Doucette .... Character Bungee Act (Palmier)/ s- h6 I  Y# t$ k0 g. g8 e
% [1 v* X' p: @, {* y2 y' @人生之旅剧码显现人从小到大的成长过程,应用色彩,灯光,音乐,戏服,以及分歧自然历史布景,缔造出成功的艺术表示;从收场的残暴灯光,音效表示宇宙开天辟地时辰,人生之旅率领我们穿越宇宙早期,如婴孩进入青春期,转化成年,到成熟阶段,一场布满惊奇的感官飨宴,连系非常的艺术与气概,完成这趟生命之旅...!' S% g9 P9 q  i: H8 b
 藉由传统的马戏团表演,再当令的加入一点点的童话般剧情以及讲求的舞台布景,使得平平无奇的特技表演增加了很多的可看性。影片中决心的加入故工作节、动听的布景音乐,而傍边所表演的高空弹跳、水中芭蕾以及具有力与美表示的双人肢体表演,则是本片使人啧啧称奇的特技。影片虽然只要短短的39分钟,但片中所显现的视结果比起冗杂却死板无味的影片来说,却有一定水平的观赏代价# Q+ S; Z' k+ L% @9 ?0 @0 w8 G
8 f" b1 F/ o" N( {+ o, g
  1. Cirque du Soleil: Journey of Man9 J  D; e. @0 s- p$ W- |4 M
  2. Year: 2000
    " `7 H, a% p- l7 ]' d* O& p* x
  3. Genre: Live, Cicus
    9 m2 a# x6 |( N* [1 y* x+ F
  4. Director: Keith Melton, I3 M- S! h# h/ e
  5. Narrator: Ian McKellen0 d: K' [: u- R, N; B% Y
  6. Crew: Nicky Dewhurst (Young man), Brian Dewhurst (Old man), Anait Karagyezyan (Vagabond Girl), Chris Van Wagenen (Youth), Kenny Raskin (Man), Cully Smoller (Infant/ Child), Mikhail Matorin (Cube Act), Yves Decoste (Statue Act), Marie-Laure Mesnage (Statue Act), Jennifer Clément (Character Statue Act | Mephisto Stilt Demon), Konstantine Besschetnyj (Banquine), Yelena Kolesnikova (Banquine), Aleksandr Leontiev (Banquine), Oleg Ouchakov (Banquine )
    - {- ?4 O' d* t/ I: S
  7. Description:
    ! ?; l: m" T6 i7 {- r# V
  8. A child is born. We see underwater swimmers representing this. He is young, in a jungle setting, with two fanciful  instincts  guiding him as swooping bird-like acrobats initially menace, then delight. As an adolescent, he enters a desert, where a man spins a large cube of metal tubing. He leaves his instinct-guides behind, and enters a garden where two statues dance in a pond. As he watches their sensual acrobatics of love, he becomes a man. He is offered wealth (represented by a golden hat) by a devil figure. In a richly decorated room, a scruffy troupe of a dozen acrobats and a little girl reawaken the old man s youthful nature and love.
    ( [) |! ~8 p1 Y* e. ^4 y0 Y
  9. Also playable in 2D4 ]2 ^/ ?. f- _4 N( H
  10. Production: USA | Sony Pictures" g0 a+ T8 m$ P3 `) r
  11. Runtime: 00:38:572 h9 s# i1 o1 w2 U; X# P" B
  12. BDInfo, a7 h! {: A- {9 n
  13. Technical Specs4 o$ ^3 g& q( Q- Y, c) L
  14. Blu-ray
      P: o2 v- v( v: [( z  T) f1 x: l" Q
  15. BD-25 Single-Layer Disc/ O5 \! c; A0 H" c) o& i
  16. Video Resolution/Codec
    8 n$ _$ l* }( I/ _6 t0 w3 x
  17. 1080p/AVC MPEG-4- R# Y2 n$ Q  x+ g5 V. Z
  18. Aspect Ratio(s)- j, M+ r/ q+ D: _. z7 ~* y
  19. 1.78:1! Y1 i& e" Z& l3 f
  20. Audio Formats
    ' H8 S; Z3 |) F7 f
  21. English DTS-HD MA 5.1 (48 kHz / 2139 kbps / 24-bit)
    ! z4 B1 j0 u- k( j3 i
  22. Subtitles/Captions0 b. v- e) O$ E' v2 t
  23. English- }! p' I0 r9 r2 l( G
  24. Arabic
    5 _  Z: }, f3 o$ k" x, f
  25. Chinese
    ! `. Y, w5 d! p& B3 X: p+ \. x/ Y
  26. Czech8 H; q  d! }3 i) q/ n
  27. Danish/ _* z1 j- H( y) t- @  X) Q  I
  28. Dutch/ h4 d, z+ M# m' m  ]  J
  29. Finnish* b! V: B( n0 `; z: T. ~4 \
  30. French5 O0 t+ l6 ]' [. m: s8 u$ X( k
  31. German6 ]1 I+ b7 J+ C2 w& c: [  R) I& H
  32. Italian
    ! u1 v7 _" j" I8 P1 b
  33. Japanese+ I: N7 C3 i" D, U( B2 j/ o1 R/ x
  34. Korean$ A4 @5 D1 g/ U0 n# p
  35. Norwegian
    1 w; o( a" A5 T9 C3 l) s. _
  36. Polish
    " p* U5 M  F9 t: _4 R5 \
  37. Portuguese
    $ q0 Y2 ]/ a8 E5 j% Q
  38. Russian0 a5 }4 g% M/ y  t3 |& ?
  39. Spanish0 a# s# p" K/ Y
  40. Spanish
    ' i! q0 W" q9 s3 p8 B2 p% O
  41. Swedish
      j3 c0 r3 @& K$ K2 a3 P+ m. I
  42. Thai
    ; k- m' n' R5 |0 }$ l
  43. Turkish
    ; _' ^. r. ?/ W) G- T$ x5 e
  44. Supplements
% K5 q9 f. d2 w# g9 N
2 @+ P, `) w9 i5 _' k# v$ R* R/ s2 I: t0 X8 \% D

4 t4 |. n2 l) R' {# n  e- ]
( `9 V1 J  z; U: w8 R6 |: }. o* g% g( v

) V% Q8 |& X; N9 o9 K. a  k/ B7 M) M
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. k: L$ D" ~: n

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