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[惊悚片] 心理游戏/致命游戏 The.Game.1997.1080p.REMASTERED.INTERNAL.BluRay.x264-DAA 16.75GB

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发表于 2018-4-8 17:04:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【原 片 名】The Game
【中 文 名】游戏(中)/致命的游戏(台)/心理游戏(港)/致命游戏/生日游戏(其他)
【IMDB评分】7.7/10 (72,983 votes)
【国  家】美国
【类  别】悬念/惊栗
【影片长度】129 Mins
【导  演】大卫 芬奇 (David Fincher)
【主  演】迈克尔 道格拉斯 (Michael Douglas) ...... Nicholas Van Orton
      西恩 潘 (Sean Penn) ...... Conrad Van Orton
      黛博拉 昂格尔 (Deborah Unger) ...... Christine
      詹姆斯 里伯霍恩 (James Rebhorn) ...... Jim Feingold
      彼得 多纳特 (Peter Donat) ...... Samuel Sutherland
      卡罗尔 贝克 (Carroll Baker) ...... Ilsa
      Anna Katerina ...... Elizabeth
      阿尔明 米勒-斯塔尔 (Armin Mueller-Stahl) ...... Anson Baer
      Charles Martinet ...... Nicholas Father
      Scott Hunter McGuire ...... Young Nicholas
      Florentine Mocanu ...... Nicholas Mother
      Elizabeth Dennehy ...... Maria
      卡罗琳 巴克利 (Caroline Barclay) ...... Maggie
      Daniel Schorr (I) ...... Himself
      John Aprea ...... Power Executive
  尼可拉斯范欧顿(Michael Douglas迈克道格拉斯饰)是一个奇迹有成的银里手。虽然有家财万贯,但是他的婚姻破裂让他一向过着循规蹈矩的生活,全日的安于现状。可是他的生活由于弟弟Conrad(西恩潘)送的一份生日礼物,而变的严重惊险。这个由弟弟帮他在一个名为“消耗者休闲办事公司”报名,并为哥哥量身订做的不著名游戏,游戏刚刚起头时哥哥感受还风趣,但渐渐的他发现这个游戏是他的弟弟和公司和起来,要致自己于死地。因而哥哥全日的思疑四周的人,使自己生活在忧心中,但工作的成长是变化的如此的快,游戏的终极目标不是得胜,而是不让自己输掉人命,这部影片的最大的应战是在实在与虚幻之间的游移……
  道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)说:“《游戏》是我近年来读到最好的剧本,我把它视为21世纪的云霄飞车,每年都有人希望把云霄飞车做更快一点,可以吓倒你。这部电影对你的心理是个练习;更由于心理有较多的想像力,是以比任何现实的工具更可怖。”
  被本片剧本及导演大卫芬奇(David Fincher)合作所吸引的道格拉斯,清楚地谈到他对题材及剧本的挑选:‘我以为天下并黑白清楚。爱憎并存的冲突心理最吸引我,人非圣贤,也非恶魔,只是存在于其间而已。我很荣幸可以饰演这个原本被观众厌恶的脚色,以后他们会渐渐瞭解你的两难之处或你的题目地点。尼可拉斯并不是一个好人,最初你能够也不很喜好,但若你顺著他的脚步,你会认同他直到最初终局。’
  本人是看着麦可道格拉斯和西恩潘的“金面”才看了这部似乎比力缺少宣传的电影的。但当我看到导演的台甫-----“David Fincher”(大卫芬奇)以后,莫名地来了一阵“冷汗”。还记得96年的《Seven》(七宗罪)和更早点的《Alien3》(异型3)吗?这可都是 David的高文。因而似乎有了点心理预备地按下了播放键...... 在一阵肾上腺素的排泄以后,总算看完了这场彻完全底的“游戏”,一种完全“上当 ”的感受油但是生(固然不是指影片太次的那种“骗”啦)。能将观众如此牢牢地捏在手中“玩弄”一番也是影片水准的表现嘛!固然,现在不能将其中的真相告诉列位,否则一定会使您在旁观时爱好大减。《The Game》让我们感应小我的弱小,即使是剧中男配角这类“大腕”,一旦赞成加入游戏,也会发现自己可以控制的工具本来是那末少。同时影片也提到落空自负和自傲,一个施予他人权利或享有的特权是可以被褫夺的。它把我们惧怕损失自己权利的那种恐惧拉近到你的眼前,把你玩个半死后告诉你:“别怕,一切都是假的”。同时,《The Game》也会逼迫你思考属于自己的阿谁游戏又是若何的,他人怎样做会制你于死地,什么是你永久也要凭借其上,又是他人轻易就能褫夺的工具?....... 也许,这已不是我们旁观电影的目标,不想也罢。但您记着,这只是游戏而已,别太认真了!
Release.Date.:   08.11.2013
Video........:   x264 14900 kbps
Frame.Rate...:   23,976 fps
Resolution...:   1920x800 pixel
Audio........:   English DTS 1510 kbps Theatrical
Audio2.......:   English DTS 1510 kbps Near-Field
Audio3.......:   English AC3 192 kbps Commentary
Subtitles....:   English, English SDH
Length.......:   2h 08m 48s
Source.......:   Criterion Collection Bluray
Size.........:   17020 MB
iMDB.COM.....:   http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119174/
BLURAY.COM...:   http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/
CRITERION.COM:   http://www.criterion.com/films/
Release Notes:
About a year ago, The Criterion Collection added this
excellent movie by David Fincher to their selection.
It is an excellent new scan and shows great improvements
over the existing VC-1 BluRay and HDDVD. Comparison
screenshots to the old release by FSiHD can be found in
the /Compare folder that comes with this release. As it
is usual for our internals, we encoded this movie with
advanced x264 settings. Most importantly, CRF with an
approriate value was used instead of a simple 2pass with
fixed size to retain the amazing details of this remaster.
The Criterion release does not only have a brand new
digital transfer for the video, it also features the
original theatrical audio line, and brand new near-field
mix that is designed for home theatre viewing that was
supervised by sound designer Ren Klyce who was the original
supervising sound editor on this film. Both were included
in this release so that you can decide yourself what you
like the most. Also, the commentary track with David
Fincher, Michael Dougles and various other crew members
has been included. Check the criterion link at the top
for full information.
Last but not least, the Criterion release includes an
alternate ending to the film. We (read: the encoder) were
too lazy to encode it, as it\ s only 160MB in size with
a duration of just over a minute, so it has been remuxed
to an .mkv file and can be found in the /Alternate.Ending
Now, enjoy this brilliant masterpiece! If you have never
watched it before, you are seriously doing something wrong.
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The.Game.1997.1080p.REMASTERED.INTERNAL.BluRay.x264-DAA.torrent (84.48 KB, 下载次数: 12, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)

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