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[恐怖片] 黑暗 The.Dark.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-VETO 4.37GB

253529 枚
发表于 2019-4-10 01:06:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
黑暗 The.Dark.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-VETO  4.37GB-1.jpg

5 C: n- i) X, b8 ?" f5 p2 y, G, x导演: Justin P. Lange / Klemens Hufnagl
$ s2 m+ S1 C; T' B& V$ J编剧: Justin P. Lange1 [" h6 m+ b) _- }
主演: Nadia Alexander / 托比·尼克尔斯 / 卡尔·马克维斯
2 \- M1 p% D' \& q范例: 可骇
( x$ V) M/ E3 v! A2 N7 Y制片国家/地域: 奥天时 Austria7 a6 D) B% g+ }0 W
说话: 英语
- l2 j! h! ?2 E8 Q上映日期: 2018-04-21(翠贝卡电影节) / 2018-10-12(奥天时)
6 c6 k: m4 }) S$ W5 @) e片长: 95分钟$ \* a$ v7 B- M# b- z) ]- \
IMDb链接: tt6832388! ^4 c% \3 F! r% j- `% X! r6 v
# Z5 q% s( ]9 n9 G0 d
  A murderous, flesh-eating undead young girl haunting the remote stretch of woods where she was murdered decades earlier, discovers a kidnapped and abused boy hiding in the trunk of one of her victim’s cars.
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3 k/ Q2 e, S% z6 ^; x% ~# R* A/ _, i
2 Y# J9 X3 R4 z4 V- k% y

9 u2 W+ g. Q, K5 h3 {& B' ]. [0 p/ l* j5 U' j

2 d& j. F% w2 q
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/ B) Q! G, S0 P$ E  Z7 m' C3 q" A" i4 Q' p1 Y# M* }$ w) ~

* X7 F8 b5 E& W* b: _( S The.Dark.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-VETO.torrent (44.25 KB, 下载次数: 9, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)   h- ?% A! @7 F4 m! Z6 P9 w

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446 枚
发表于 2019-4-10 18:30:57 | 显示全部楼层

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