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[歌舞片] 欢乐今宵梅姑姑 Mame.1974.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD 6.57GB

253551 枚
发表于 2019-2-18 14:49:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 欢乐今宵梅姑姑 Mame.1974.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD 6.57GB-1.jpg
1 i0 ^& r' H, ~2 G  b" k1 ~# Y  I7 u; `; U7 K; x, ~: N; o
译  名 欢乐今宵梅姑姑 / 欢乐梅姑
5 Y  q! w% E, R5 V片  名 Mame
. x7 C$ T# @2 ]8 }) F6 c- N4 C年  代 1974
2 `  ~# F8 C6 Y& N4 m8 \5 {9 n% c产  地 美国, \3 O; n# r- h7 Y
类  别 歌舞! Y' B/ w% B) d, E2 Z
语  言 英语
# a& `: Q% V: P, e8 q' a0 r5 {* P上映日期 1974-03-27# P9 B  I1 h$ \4 v
IMDb评分 6.0/10 from 2374 users
- U' N% n% U6 O" h- u$ \" MIMDb链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt00718031 {- S& z* y5 Y. @6 r8 [
片  长 132 分钟- Z; z$ ^1 N, ?4 G
导  演 吉恩 塞克斯 (Gene Saks): d* `4 `% X: m$ X5 |% |, E
编  剧 Jerome Lawrence / Patrick Dennis (I) / Paul Zindel
: L3 r! c3 D. m主  演 露西尔·鲍尔 Lucille Ball, _0 ~- P' S/ w& ]; c" T! n6 v" U
      罗伯特·普雷斯顿 Robert Preston& k3 a4 J7 M' l& i/ `: P3 s
      布鲁斯·戴维森 Bruce Davison2 P  M0 @! d, i4 {1 b
      碧·亚瑟 Bea Arthur' h+ M+ v# T, Y: u
- V& X5 D4 ~, X* P
1 v6 H: i5 J5 o1 i  t8 v% w7 n8 u
1 F1 F  o$ L2 d- S+ P
简  介
0 u: y/ b6 d! M" C5 C# F3 l0 c' ^* m1 d% a3 l
  It's the late 1920s. Upon the death of wealthy Chicagoan Edward Dennis| his nine-year old son Patrick Dennis becomes the ward of theironly living relative| Edward's equally wealthy New York residing sister| Mame Dennis. Edward's will states that Patrick is to be raised Protestant in a "traditional"manner and that the trustee| Mr. Babcock with the Knickerbocker Bank| will pay Mame for expenses incurred in raising Patrick| he having the right of refusal to payif he deems that the spirit of Edward's will is not honored. Mr. Babcock and Patrick's longtime nanny| the timid Agnes Gooch| are to ensure that Patrick is raisedcorrectly. Edward included these stipulations in his will as he knows his sister is a flamboyant| free wheeling and eccentric woman who can be considered anythingbut traditional or conventional. Despite the disruption each provides in the other's life| Mame and Patrick form a loving| supportive relationship. Mame wants toprovide her sense of guidance to Patrick| ...0 x, w# _% W+ A! m; |* A% M3 ~$ @
2 F# A- q! u- H$ {' }$ {3 ?, T4 ?
  w  ~1 h1 O! L$ G( m! @* _# b8 ]8 f4 H
  1. Mame.1974.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD6 p0 G7 C/ a6 E9 f

  2. " ]* c- v: }% ^- F6 V
  3. Date..............: 02/2019
    ; D8 ^+ P- p7 a) W

  4. 4 v: @% O  e7 T5 j$ _. n
  5. IMDB..............: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071803/
      q3 z0 ?% j9 O! x3 a$ I5 Q6 _

  6. 4 M- i- W  U' z' C9 n& W4 P1 G. X
  7. Runtime...........: 02:11:20
      b% N. x/ C/ A. G- C6 v
  8. % T: ]8 u# l- I: t: \: N/ Q
  9. Video.............: 1280x536 / 23.976fps
    ( g2 [! r. F" @) [9 g. K
  10. 8 \0 T* W/ c. u; E( K# G
  11. Audio.............: DTS 2.0 1509kbps

/ u) l3 w' C9 N4 N
! K' x( F& S5 C% g1 {+ m 欢乐今宵梅姑姑 Mame.1974.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD 6.57GB-2.jpg 6 U# ?$ y  M1 t3 h# a4 t

( Z; D( y, C. C3 m( [% ~6 E/ ]7 ]- I0 `, f. {# g+ J! o' t

3 ~4 w% P7 ~( j( L
% I0 U: h2 H4 v) m. o" T Mame.1974.720p.BluRay.x264-PSYCHD.torrent (33.59 KB, 下载次数: 7, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币)   y, @& ^6 V7 d

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发表于 2019-2-22 21:38:59 | 显示全部楼层

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