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[惊悚片] 等待 Awaiting.2015.720p.BluRay.x264-WiSDOM 3.28GB

253291 枚
发表于 2019-2-18 12:40:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 期待 Awaiting.2015.720p.BluRay.x264-WiSDOM 3.28GB-1.jpg * a' F5 x4 V0 p

2 [" e, m. _2 p译  名 期待2 M3 V! A, J+ w& @. R8 r
片  名 Awaiting
4 S6 \7 s9 E3 ?# s6 f+ y$ k" I年  代 20151 F8 B% V7 K0 U# y  C/ J$ H
产  地 英国
/ {! K+ a$ j3 A# y3 E4 Q0 Y类  别 惊悚+ p7 c; A& u$ A0 |
语  言 英语
1 ?' V' V9 b# D$ J8 pIMDb评分 4.8/10 from 710 users3 m7 a7 r2 S; v
IMDb链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3815430
: F' s4 l1 X7 q1 V6 F4 U- y# a导  演 Mark Murphy
8 B9 P( k5 q0 w+ B2 s5 u% \8 A: C编  剧 Mark Murphy% n, g* d) _0 m+ X- f" r
主  演 Tony Curran8 Y6 f+ A( ?8 M4 r1 m: c
      Diana Vickers5 A' {1 B9 @  l# ?" ^
( g' ^7 ?5 f  k' J$ o/ ]

% g1 g9 N" }! S. P简  介
1 g' y0 g6 p% q9 _/ F! Y+ b" b+ c: ^* n0 C, b9 c, H# g6 X
  Deep in the English moors| a sociopath preys on innocent people| until one day his secrets are finally revealed and an inevitable confrontation is at hand.; e1 }) [. ?& I6 D, \
* n" Q& {+ u) ^( e7 x

' R* c3 Z3 W% Y
  1. Awaiting.2015.720p.BluRay.x264-WiSDOM- z( p5 a7 t/ ?- |* R
  2. . a6 {: n0 B' G: u) C
  3. Date......: 11.02.2019
    6 v, S2 z* o& z& P% F
  4. Video.....: x264 @ 4997Kbps, C0 v# l. |8 r. Y8 @  [
  5. FPS.......: 23.976/ j/ y0 G; @1 d5 K
  6. Resolution: 1280 x 536, H  X9 K% I6 v! s- i% ?1 i2 }
  7. Size......: 3,28 GB+ |4 l8 S  l) q  a
  8. Audio.....: AC3 192Kbps 2ch! f. f" \$ e9 w) C% t
  9. Language..: English9 _) v8 D) u0 j- X: A; W
  10. Subtitles.: -0 `& k) h- ~; f  X1 _8 s
  11. Runtime...: 1h 35mn
    : c' E# z  s& R+ H! I' r

  12. 5 @; s1 Q  ^! u( n
  13. URL.......: <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3815430/">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3815430/</a>

/ a4 ]' v2 m" ]* ]1 v+ Z- h3 G. B; e% G7 {/ e4 X+ b% r
期待 Awaiting.2015.720p.BluRay.x264-WiSDOM 3.28GB-2.jpg
8 e' b, J9 b( [: H( V/ S. [/ [; s7 K0 G+ a7 i- n- B
4 O0 T, g, ?# R
2 ?. J: N. m/ f: C
. E: o2 r( J+ {6 k+ g' B
Awaiting.2015.720p.BluRay.x264-WiSDOM.torrent (33.37 KB, 下载次数: 6, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币) ! P9 q  w8 k1 a9 G9 f: i

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