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[喜剧片] 神职人员 Clergy.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-SPRiNTER 6.55GB

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发表于 2019-2-18 11:41:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1 Z+ U3 t- U' y* B% }: _1 o
9 T; S% W0 K6 s3 v7 C* l+ }( z译  名 神职职员8 R3 ]8 O$ y* X  j: g
片  名 Kler
8 [7 Z1 A4 n# J3 F4 W* f4 c年  代 2018
$ H5 J& D3 y; Y7 l产  地 波兰
  o' H4 _7 Z- d9 q4 Y类  别 剧情 / 笑剧
$ a) S+ @5 ?2 e语  言 波兰语 Polish
& Q; `: m' L9 p+ M( b上映日期 2018-09-28(波兰), T% D& j5 k0 ~/ f( C% Y
IMDb评分 7.6/10 from 1807 users
3 k- y8 W" Q2 Y6 aIMDb链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt87389642 }% R9 y9 O* p; N8 d: p  Q
片  长 133分钟, N$ l+ T/ S. `3 ^+ L4 Z
导  演 沃伊切赫·斯玛若夫斯基 Wojciech Smarzowski, U- y6 I' r- H. {$ V1 E
编  剧 Wojciech Rzehak / Wojciech Smarzowski
( A9 a7 N! H* k; n  d主  演 Arkadiusz Jakubik0 v4 d2 |! U3 o$ z! U% n0 y8 X) s
      雅采克·布拉茨亚克 Jacek Braciak
5 q- m, m" H+ q" A" A, l      罗伯特·温茨凯维奇 Robert Wieckiewicz3 M4 x8 `+ L8 K  m& @

2 i) e% h& x) C/ T
1 [1 J; ]- g% |! L6 C+ [# K. B
$ B; B& d2 u4 _& A2 v0 p  @8 K简  介* f& e8 e6 I" C2 W- @
+ j% b* S( c( b  ^7 ^3 H
  Three Catholic priests meet to celebrate the anniversary of an event which could have taken their lives. Their experiences and motivations to serve as priests areextremely different| and soon each of them will have to face new challenges.5 m. h4 _% M2 M2 @  v: ~" X

6 ^. Z8 i' z+ V/ j% T
+ u5 U. J0 Q4 y- q3 }
  1. ARTiCHOKE8 k2 Q$ o$ M; T9 _8 w' u' M

  2. & f5 l3 x7 x; M, D
  3. SPRiNTER proudly presents...2 U# E6 J- Z  {# N# _6 F
  4. + G" K, j. s% I: }) v9 o1 n( V6 z
  5. Clergy.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-SPRiNTER
    0 S% d% U& }+ p. f, R6 [
  6. # b9 P& ]9 p9 V! |
  7. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8738964- n! H# `" V6 c) s& ^. p& m' \
  8. 0 ]) A$ d/ N9 t6 }, g: ?3 |  D
  9. Release notes
    # ]+ O$ ]! K6 e  l2 g
  10. % J2 C  q1 X: |
  11. Enjoy!. ?6 ^6 K6 P3 d8 {2 o# F4 [' I
  12. 0 a9 ~( ?2 Z( i- i8 Q9 D1 b
  13. Greetings
    4 u  s1 C9 k' R0 Q* |6 n

  14. 9 V7 e1 ~* y. Z1 i7 b; u
  15. AEN - EXViD - FiCO( Z- W5 ^3 i8 q! |

  16. 1 e0 ?6 ?4 h: a9 @( {1 E
  17. Details
    + T! s& r  O/ e

  18. 3 _" A# D# O' B; S, b( j* Y; _' B
  19. Release.Date: 09.02.2018$ f  W: O2 R9 {+ I" o
  20. Source......: Retail BluRay4 U% u1 x/ G! D! z; }8 D  [" [: N: C
  21. Size........: 6711MB" s" c' t) h- O7 i' K' G1 U
  22. Video.....  : x264 5453Kbps
    # |3 V1 @8 Z: V1 p5 {* G) r
  23. Frame.Rate..: 24.000
    * z+ a0 A* ^7 S! x: p# y
  24. Resolution..: 1280x536
    8 Y& d; t: \- B' `1 y  y
  25. Audio.......: DTS 1509Kbps 6ch
    ( E, n  _7 m1 R; c
  26. Language....: Polish
    ! j3 @% B! ?( K
  27. Length......: 2h 14mn
    ) z- C* C( D: d: t- ~% o. X
  28. Subtitles...: English

5 c. K' c% U& p' a' m0 M, {% S0 B6 V5 E3 j* N8 d
- j! @0 @/ [* s# X4 _2 ?
9 n' D2 v. R, L8 r1 _+ G/ |9 ^

6 k9 h- f  k9 M7 N# S$ p' J
) Y; D8 W4 U% g* _: s" C) ~/ c" R: s/ _
Clergy.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-SPRiNTER.torrent (33.38 KB, 下载次数: 6, 售价: 2 枚蓝光币) ' c6 H1 T/ H! M; {% v" E# S( ^

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