HDchina 发表于 2018-3-19 14:54:20

野性欧洲/欧洲自然写真 Best.of.Europe.Italy.2009.720p.BluRay.x264-playHD 4.3GB

【译 名】: 野性欧洲 / 欧洲自然写真
【片 名】: Wild Europe
【导 演】:
【编 剧】:
【主 演】:
【时 长】:
【评 分】: 8.3
【上映时间】: 2005-02-15
【国 家】: 英国
【语 言】: 英语
【影片类型】: 纪录片
【影片简介】: 穿越热带沼泽、冰河期和失传已久的古文明,节目将进行一趟不可思议的旅程,体验丰富多彩、高潮迭起的欧洲大陆传说。 这趟动人心弦的壮阔史诗之旅,将带领你回到远古时代,展现令人惊叹的独特世界。大陆板块的剧烈冲撞和火山爆发曾使它天摇地动,它还曾经遭到大海吞没,也曾变成炙风吹袭的一片荒漠,不断地受到时间、自然力量和生态变化的刻凿雕塑。 到远古佛罗伦萨的侏罗纪公园一游,见识变得像撒哈拉沙漠般的圣彼得堡,探访隐没在葱郁原始雨林中的巴黎和柏林...探索这些陌生又熟悉的自然恢宏遗迹如何永续存留下来。 欧洲自然写真融合了先进动画科技重建,以及跨越时空的空中景观摄影,将这套让人惊心动魄的自然演进史节目完美的呈现在你眼前,保证让你看得惊叹不已,大呼过瘾! 第一集:肇始之初 第二集:冰原大地 第三集:征服自然 第四集:全新纪元
Length..............: 1h 39mn
Video...............: 1280x720 (X264 @ 23.976fps)
Bitrate.............: 6196Kbps
Audio...............: AC3 192 Kbps
Language............: English
Subtitles...........: N/A
Genre ..............:| Documentary
Episode 1: Rome
Rome beckons with its ancient treasures and modern pleasures. Rudy
makes the most of your visit with stops at Rome s charming cafes and
shops, informative historic city walks, and a detour to Vatican City.
Episode 2: Venice
In magical Venice, Rudy reveals how to escape the crowds by visiting the
neighborhoods of Dorsoduro, Cannaregio and San Polo. Join Rudy for
a rousing drink at the city s oldest wine bar, take a dreamy gondola ride,
and journey to the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello for hand
blown glass and lace.
Episode 3: Florence
Discover glorious Florence. Visit the great museums - the Uffizi, Bargello,
and Accademia, as well as the landmarks of the Renaissance - the
Duomo, Bapistery and Giotto s Tower. An excursion outside of town
leads to a Medici villa, a sleepy Tuscan town, and a museum with
inventions by Leonardo da Vinci.
Episode 4: Naples   The Amalfi Coast
Deep in the heart of Italy, Naples is the ideal launching point for
exploring some of Italy s great historic treasures. Marvel at the
ancient city of Pompeii and the devastation of Mount Vesuvius,
hop a ferry to the isle of Capri, and drive the spectacular Amalfi
coast to take in magnificent views.

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查看完整版本: 野性欧洲/欧洲自然写真 Best.of.Europe.Italy.2009.720p.BluRay.x264-playHD 4.3GB